
  • 365bet台湾成员

    An Operating member can be any person or entity that owns or operates aircraft, 主要不供租用, 作为一种运输工具,帮助其开展业务或活动, 符合以下两个标准:

    • it uses pilots holding the qualifications required by the appropriate regulatory authority
    • 不到总销量的50%, 包括所有附属公司及附属公司, 产品或服务是否销售给商务航空客户.


  • 企业成员

    A Business member can be any person or entity that has a commercial interest in business aviation and does not qualify for membership as an Operating member.

    Applicants for Business membership must be engaged in a field of endeavor whose aims are consistent with the principles and interests of the association.

  • 专业的成员

    NBAA’s Professional member category is for any person with a pervasive interest in business aviation.

    Professional members are restricted to participation by only one individual per membership and are allowed only one listing in the NBAA连接 Buyer’s Guide and 365bet台湾目录. 他们没有资格参展, 赞助或为NBAA做广告, 或访问NBAA薪酬调查.

